Keeping your cat healthy

Most people know that cats are safest when kept indoors. If your cat enjoys going outdoors (some cats love it, some cats loathe it!) it’s best with the safety of a harness and leash. Problem with the indoor -only lifestyle? Most cats are overweight, and get little or no exercise. Here are some good indoor […]

Puppy mills

It always amazes me that in this day and age, the the age of information, people can still be ignorant or, worse, in denial about puppy mills. There is no such thing as an ethical breeder who sells their puppies in pet shops. period. No discussion. Backyard breeders are a whole different story – those […]

Thinking about shaving your fluffy dog this summer?

Here’s an excerpt from an article found here: I just quoted the highlights: “The topcoat is made up of tougher guard hairs that don’t shed, and protect your pet from the sun’s harmful rays and bug bites. It actually insulates them from the heat. What this means is: do not shave your double coated […]

Number 1 reason for the mobile vet to visit you

When you tell us you feed “one cup” of food, we can see just how big that scoop or cup is! Gives the veterinarian a much better handle on the amount of food your pets gets, and can better help control your pet’s weight.