Animal acupuncture coming soon!

I am becoming a certified veterinary acupuncturist, and will complete my training in November. Acupuncture for animals has many benefits, and little to no side effects! It’s a great option when traditional medicine doesn’t seem to be helping as much as we would like. I will offer veterinary acupuncture for dogs and cats at home. […]

Do OFA parents mean a puppy with healthy hips? NOPE!

As you know, I am a huge proponent of adopting dogs from shelters and rescues. Until the shelters are empty, it makes no sense to buy a dog from someone contributing to the problem. That said, some people want a specific niche breed that cannot be found (easily) in a rescue. With so many crooked […]

how to transform dry dog food into canned

If a dog or cat has teeth pulled during a dental, the owners are often instructed to feed soft food for 2 weeks. Many people go buy canned food, and sometimes the tummy can get a little upset from the change. Here’s a trick to use your dog’s regular dry food, but transform it into […]

You are not the alpha dog – the myth of dominance

Growing up in the ’70s and ’80s, we were taught by the experts of the time that dogs needed to be in a pack, and that it was important for the human to be the “alpha dog” in that pack. The human had to be dominant, or the other dogs would perhaps try to dominate […]

veterinarian in your area

If you’re looking for a veterinarian to keep your dog or cat healthy, how to find one? A local veterinarian that is honest and trusted can make your pet’s life better- and longer. Pet owners want truthful veterinarians with convenience. Belleville, IL and O’Fallon, IL tend to be the main areas our home veterinary service […]


Whipworms are an intestinal parasite that are so annoying, they actually deserve their own article! They live in the large intestine/colon, sucking nutrients, and sometimes causing gross, mucousy stool. Your dogs might squat and squat and not much comes out. Sometimes it can have a little blood in it. Some dogs can have such a […]

Living with and monitoring a diabetic pet

So you’ve embraced the diagnosis of diabetes. You’re giving insulin, and your anxiety attacks are milder now. With diabetes, you always must be on the watch for complications. Here’s what you need to know. If your pet’s insulin dose is not quite regulated, he or she will likely be drinking a lot of water, and […]

Who’s Somogyi and why should I care?

If you have a diabetic pet, you’ll want to know about Dr. Somogyi. He was a scientist who developed the first insulin treatment given to a (human) child. He also discovered the “Somogyi Effect.” Oh, and it’s pronounced so-MOH-gee. This phenomenon is what makes regulating insulin doses in dogs and cats extra challenging. If a […]

Urine problems in diabetic pets

OK, you’re doing great with your diabetic pet. Insulin shots are a piece of cake. You’re doing glucose curves or having fructosamine checked. (here’s the article that covers those). Why does your vet keep wanting a urine sample? Diabetic dogs and cats are very prone to developing urinary tract infections, or UTI’s. Even if your […]

Diets for dogs and cats with diabetes

If your veterinarian tells you your dog or cat has diabetes, your mind initially jumps to insulin shots. There is another key component to managing diabetes, and that is diet! In cats, diet can play a huge role! By getting their blood sugar under control with insulin and switching them to a low carb, high […]