Yesterday I experienced a prime example of shelter dogs being true “diamonds in the rough.” I saw a dog at a rural animal control facility on petfinder. They said she was 13 years old, and never ever moved she was so scared. I knew she’d be euthanized soon, so I had to get her out. You know I love the oldies but goodies. I was surprised when I met her that she’s not old at all – she’s 7 years old. She refused to stand or walk. I put her in my car and drove her home, thinking I had weeks of rehab in front of me. Imagine my surprise when I put her in my back yard and she ran circles in it! She then went inside, ran a lap, and jumped to perch on the back of my couch. The animal control had labeled her “very low energy.” If they could see her now! My point? The dogs and cats that are cowering can be the best pets! You have no idea what personality is buried down in there. I included the picture of her taken by animal control, and a picture of her after being in my house 30 minutes, frolicking in the grass. Hard to believe it’s the same dog!