Speaking of costumes and trick-or-treating….
I know it’s fun to dress up pets for Halloween. I have done it, and have the photographic evidence so I can’t deny it. Couple things to keep in mind before dressing up your pet.
Check the costume for rough straps or seams. I was in a store admiring the costumes, and realized each had a hard, stiff (translation: ouch!) elastic band underneath that I would never put on my pet! Velcro can be stiff and uncomfortable as well.
If the costume involves anything on the feet or head, take time the days leading up to the event for your dog to acclimate. Footwear can be especially distressing. Start out putting the costume on, giving treats, and promptly removing it. Remember this is supposed to be fun! Gradually work up to wearing it for several minutes. Dogs and cats can learn to wear costumes, but it often is not something you just put on and walk out the door! If your pet experiences “costume paralysis” (refusing to move while wearing it) then they are not enjoying it. Accept that this year might not be a good year for a costume and move on. Of course, snapping a quick photo before removing it is sometimes just too tempting!
The most well-tolerated costumes tend to be simple t-shirt style get-ups. Nothing to get tangled, nothing rough on the edges, nothing on the face or feet, and everyone is happy!
Finally, if you plan to have trick-or-treaters at your house, make sure all pets are safely confined. Halloween is another one of the holidays when more pets go missing than usual. Very well socialized pets may love visitors, but strangers in costumes can be scary. Shy pets definitely will want nothing to do with it. Make sure they are confined, with a new toy or chewer, so no one goes missing. If constant doorbell ringing will torment your dog, sit outside to skip that step!
Finally – and I know you all know this – keep the candy out of your pets’ reach! We all know about chocolate being bad. Sugar-free gum and other candies can be toxic as well, so just don’t chance it!