Question 2 -You drop a can of mixed nuts, and your dog is eager to help you clean up! While eating these certainly will not help her figure, which nut has toxic potential?
A) Peanuts
B) Walnuts
C) Macadamia nuts
D) Cashews
C) Macadamia nuts are toxic. While not as serious as chocolate, if eaten in decent amounts, macadamia nuts can cause nervous system depression, which presents as weakness, stumbling and just a weak, “not right” dog. Just one ounce of macadamia nuts can make a 50 lbs dog symptomatic! If you see your dog eat more than one, best to contact your veterinary emergency center.
The good news – your dog may experience some scary neurological signs, but often the toxin works its way out after 12 hours or so. Macadamia nut ingestion can be scary, but rarely if ever is fatal. If you see your dog eat more than one, best to contact your veterinary emergency center! (The other nuts are not toxic, but are high in fat, so you’re best off just not sharing any!)